Yom Nate (multi intercamp day at Nesher) was so awesome for the Manhigim tennis team! At first, when the tennis team arrived at Yom Nate our bus driver, Art Jones, said we would have to walk back to Morasha if we lost. With that incredibly strong motivation, Morasha faced Camp Seneca Lake and emerged with a 2-1 victory.
With the help of Jack Ganchrow, Charlie Friedman, Solomon Rappaport, Kurt Moskowitz and managers Manny Strulowitz and Josh Packer, the tennis team (consisting of Joseph Abrahams, Coby Kranz, Ezra Levi, Akiva Hain and Eli Jarachrow) won the championship (3-0) for Morasha (and were able to take the bus back)!
Later on Tuesday, the Manhigim had an intense beach volleyball tournament with the winning team receiving DJ’s and Lake Como Pizza. The highlight of the tournament was when Aiden Englander was able to kick the volleyball over the net and scored a point. It was competitive tournament and also very enjoyable.
With so much action going on at Camp Morasha, it will be difficult going into Tisha B’Av. As a special activity after for Tisha B’Av, Morasha hired 25 European masseuses who will be offering free back massages post-fast. I believe that there will be a long line for that activity. Just Kidding!!
Until next time,
Coby Kranz B-22