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Trunks & Packing

Children thrive best in a structured environment. We’ve creating this ‘Packing Guide’ to not only help you with your camp preparations but, most importantly, to set your children up for a successful camp season. Good luck and we’re here to help.


We encourage US-based families to send luggage through our luggage transport company, Campify. The link to register for trunk pick up and delivery is below. Campers outside the TriState Area can also arrange a discounted FedEx pick up and drop off through the Campify service and form. This summer’s pick up and drop off dates are listed on the top of the form as well.

To access the CAMPER Campify form, click here:

To access the STAFF Campify form, click here:


For your convenience, we have updated our recommended packing list for our campers. To print more copies of our packing list, please click here and head to Page 7. Additionally, please be cognizant of our dress code when shopping for camp, which can be reviewed by clicking here. In addition to the items on the packing list, please note the following general pointers:

1. Label EVERYTHING with your child’s name!

2. DO NOT pack in more than two pieces of luggage for your child. Packing more than two bags is a clear indication that you’ve packed too much, which will only cause stress to your camper. Trust us!

3. Please see the Policy Guide for guidelines on phones and electronics.

4. Most campers do not require a sleeping bag during the summer. Second Session Manhigim and Manhigot campers (for their second session two-day trip) use sleeping bags on their trip.

5. Please do not pack baby wipes. They often clog the toilets 🙂


As shared earlier this year, we have invested in refurnishing and reorganizing every bunkhouse in camp. Our new setup involves bunk beds only, set up around the perimeter of each bunk, leaving the center of the bunk empty. This open bunk layout will ensure a more organized and clean layout while affording a more enhanced community feel. Below is a detailed list of what storage space will be available for each child — and how you can best plan for this setup:

Personal Cubby: Each camper is assigned to one dedicated wooden cubby unit. Each unit has five large shelves, with each shelf measuring 19” wide x 12.75” tall x 16“ deep. Cubbies are used to store clothing, linen, and towels. Boys should not bring clothes on hangers as their clothing is folded into cubbies. Girls have limited hanging space and should pack hangers if they’d like to hang clothing.

Under-Bed Storage: Campers store nosh (if they bring) and shoes under their beds. If you plan to send storage bin(s) to camp, please note that each camper has approximately 35” wide x 18” high x 30” deep worth of storage space underneath his or her bed. Finally, if you choose to send nosh, it must fit within a bin with a capacity of 9.25 gallons (37 quarts) or less and measure 18” high or less. Snack that don’t fit in this size bin will be confiscated. This snack bin can only be brought/sent on Opening Day and/or replenished on Visiting Day (even for First Session campers who extend into the Second Session).

Other Storage: Campers like to bring plastic drawers to store loose items, socks, and underwear. ONLY the smaller 3-drawer unit (approx. 12” wide x 25” tall x 14“ deep) is permitted. Additionally, laundry must be placed in laundry bags. Please do not send pop-up laundry bins. Finally, shoes are to be stored underneath the bed. There is no place for hanging shoe organizers.


Our first priority is the safety and health of our campers. Aside from Opening Day and Visiting Day, no package containing any food or drinks is to be sent to campers. This includes shipping or sending food with visitors or guests. ALL packages are directed to the Main Office, opened, and any food will be removed. Additionally, no perishables, including meat, may be sent up with campers or staff. A large fridge is placed on every bunk porch to store cold drinks only. WE ARE A NUT-SENSITIVE CAMP. We have many campers who have SEVERE allergies. The Camp Morasha kitchen and canteen do not prepare or serve any food products that contain peanuts, tree nuts or sesame, OR offer products that are labeled “made in a facility that processes nuts.” Nosh brought to camp may not contain any such products. For your convenience, we have included two lists: Popular snack items that pose no problem with this policy and popular snack mistakes that often need to be confiscated.

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