To review our full 2024 Policy Guide, please click here.
Where is your camp located?
Camp Morasha is located in the picturesque northeastern Pocono Mountains. We are in the heart of Wayne County, about two-and-a half hours from New York City.
How many campers and counselors are in each cabin and how are they assigned?
Each modern, duplex cabin houses an average of fifteen campers with three or two counselors. Campers are grouped based on the grade. Each camper is able to make four bunkmate requests in February and we do our best to accommodate these requests while providing the important opportunity for each camper to meet new friends at camp. Bunk assignments are sent home in June.
What is your staff like?
We understand that a camp is only as good as its staff and therefore choosing the ideal staff is a top priority for Camp Morasha. We hire highly motivated counselors, athletes, educators, and camping professionals, who come to us with spirit, a commitment to children, love for camp, and the recognition that every staff member is an educator and role model to our campers. All staff are interviewed extensively, are required to attend an intensive staff orientation, and receive continued guidance throughout the summer from our experienced Senior Staff.
How does my child get to camp?
Children come to camp on air-conditioned, bathroom and video-equipped coach buses. Experienced staff members escort the campers on each bus. There is departure from Long Island, New Jersey, Westchester, and Newark or JFK Airport. Details on specific locations may vary from year to year and is sent to each registered camper in February.
How does my child’s luggage get to camp?
Parents from around the US are able to sign up with “Campify” and have their luggage picked up from their homes and delivered directly to their children’s bunks. Campers who live outside Campify pick up areas may send their luggage via UPS or Fedex.
What are meals like at Camp Morasha?
Our campers and staff tell us our food is excellent! Meals are served by our kitchen staff and campers sit by bunk. We serve three well-balanced, child friendly meals each day, with lunch and dinner offering a full salad bar. In addition to our chefs, we have a camp baker preparing homemade treats.. We also serve a snack during the day, which include fresh fruit, cookies and juice. Canteen orders are submitted every morning and delivered at rest period. Divisions often visit the canteen after night activity.
Are you nut and sesame free?
WE ARE A NUT-SENSITIVE AND SESAME-SENSITIVIE CAMP. We have many campers who have SEVERE allergies. The Camp Morasha kitchen and canteen do not prepare and serve any food products that contain peanuts, tree nuts or sesame, or offer products that are labeled “made in a facility that processes nuts.” Outside food brought on Opening Day or Visitng Day may not contain any such products, and no outside food, including challahs, are permitted in the Dining Room. Rest assured that your children will receive plenty of wonderful, nourishing food, nosh, and desserts.
Do you allow packages?
To minimize competition, pressure on parents, and mess in the bunks, we have instituted a new no-package policy. After July 3, no package of any kind can be sent up to camp. If an ESSENTIAL item is needed after July 3, the camp will be in touch with a parent. Certain essentials will be available for purchase at camp or at the local store (basic toiletries, for example) while other items will receive permission to be shipped up (glasses, for example). Packages not adhering to these guidelines will not reach a camper so please relay the food and package policy to any family or friends who may want to send packages.
How do beverages work at camp?
It is imperative that campers remain healthy and hydrated throughout the day. At the same time, we strive to minimize waste, mess, and unnecessary expenditures. For Summer 2024, thanks to a generous donor, we have installed a filtered and refrigerated water bottle filling station at every bunkhouse and at all our fields and facilities. We will be providing a labeled reusable water bottle to every camper upon arrival but encourage campers to bring their own as well. In addition, there will be new vending machines throughout camp selling Gatorade. Campers will be able to purchase a pre-loaded vending card (billed to your MyMorasha account) to utilize these Gatorade machines on campus. Therefore, no beverage cases / bottles may be brought or shipped to camp.
What is a typical day like at Camp Morasha?
There is no day that is “typical” at Camp Morasha! Our daily schedule offers the perfect combination of education, sports, specialties, swimming and special programs. We want to provide every camper with an enjoyable, well-rounded and wholesome total camp experience, while also allowing them to develop their own skills. Every camper has one or two periods of formal and informal education, taught by top educators from yeshiva day schools and by our BMP staff. After every great day at camp, each division is treated to an amazing night activity, which can range from concerts to carnivals, crazy contests to color war. To see a sample schedule for our youngest boys and girls, click here.
What are your special events at camp?
Camp Morasha has become famous for it’s special programming. If you just glance at our Camp Calendar, you will be astonished by the quantity and quality of our special events. We work very hard to create an environment and brings out the best of our campers and staff – where their skills, creativity, and spirit shine throughout the summer.
When may I visit my campers at camp?
There is a designated day called “Visiting Day” for all family members and friends to come visit camp. Visiting Day is always a great day for our campers and visitors, and runs from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm EST. We respectfully ask all parents to limit visitation to this day. Parents who cannot come on Visiting Day should call the office to arrange an alternate time as we have a one-visit per visitor policy at camp. Under no circumstances will unauthorized visitors be permitted on campgrounds on non-visiting days. This creates the ideal environment for our campers to overcome homesickness and thrive in camp. Please be assured that we will be in touch with you should there be any issue with your child. You may also check on your child’s activities and view daily photos and weekly videos. This is the best way to staying current with your camper during the summer! We post hundreds of photos and the latest news each day.
How can I communicate with my child during camp?
We encourage good, old-fashioned letter writing as the best way to communicate with your camper. Campers love getting regular mail from their family and friends! Campers write home regularly. In addition, parents may e-mail their children. Details on how to e-mail a camper can be found here. E-mails from parents are printed out and distributed to campers daily.
Are cell phones permitted in camp?
To ensure a healthy camping experience, all cell phones (including old iPhones) are not permitted in bunks and are collected on Opening Day. Please see page 10 for the full details on our ‘Electronic Device’ policy. We strive to strike the right balance of fostering independence while promoting healthy communication home. Designated “Calling Days” have proved to cause anxiety amongst many campers (and parents!), causing unnecessary setbacks in a child’s adjustment to camp. We also recognize that a call home may be necessary at times for a logistical purpose or constructive emotional support. Therefore, calls will be permitted on an as-needed basis, at the discretion of the camp staff. Older campers will receive their phones back on specific trips. We, of course, will be in touch to discuss any issues, if they arise. We believe in consistent and open communication and look forward to being in touch with updates on your children and the latest camp happenings.
Is there a dress code in camp?
We believe that we have a healthy dress code that will enable campers to dress comfortably for all activities. Additionally, Shabbat at camp is a special time and must be reflected in our attire. Please do not pack articles of clothing inconsistent with these guidelines.
Are electronic devices allowed in camp?
A primary goal of sleep-away camp is to foster an environment conducive to genuine social interaction and participation in athletic and artistic activity. Allowing electronic devices in bunks plugs the potential of summer camp and detracts from these goals. Therefore, no electronic entertainment devices — including iPads, tablets, iPod Touches, DVD Players and gaming devices of any kind — will be allowed in camp. Only simple music MP3 players without apps will be permitted. While phones are collected and given back on Trip Days to older campers, these other devices will be confiscated and not returned until a camper leaves. This policy has been discussed at length with Dr. David Pelcovitz, who advised that this shift is crucially important for our campers.
How does the laundry work?
Weekly laundry service is provided at no additional charge. Each camper receives their own personalized laundry bag, which is sent out once a week and returned in that same personal bag a day and half later. Dry cleaning facilities are not available.
Do I need to send extra spending money?
Every-day trips and activities are included in the tuition. As campers may want to buy souvenirs or extra snacks, we do recommend sending a small amount of spending money to be kept in the office.
How do I get more information about Camp Morasha?
To find out how you can learn more about Camp Morasha, please click here.