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Week Two 2024

Friday, 12 July, 2024

Week Two 2024

For so many reasons and for so many decades, summer camp has been a powerful and impactful experience. What is most astonishing is that, as time progresses, summer camp has only become more and more important and pivotal to a child’s personal growth and development. This first ‘Hineini Highlight’ will focus on why.

In today’s digital age, where screens and devices continue to dominate our children’s attention, providing them with a true and wholesome break from technology has a most profound impact. In camp, children have the opportunity to engage in meaningful face-to-face, synchronous interactions with their peers and staff, allowing them to build deep relationships and crucial social skills. When children are not constantly entertained by screens, they have the chance to tap into their creativity and imagination in ways not possible at home — while reducing feelings of anxiety and isolation, often associated with excessive device use. Disconnecting allows them to be fully present — to reach their full potentials.

I’ve been communicating on this topic for nearly a decade now and we at Camp Morasha are proud to have been one of the first camps to go device-free — and equally proud to extend a similar policy to our counseling staff this year. A cellphone free counseling staff has been absolutely transformative! On a community level, I believe our collective institutions are on the cusp of reaching a positive turning point on child/teen device-use. For parents passionate or interested in this conversation, I strongly recommend the book “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.” While frightening to read, it simultaneously confirms the absolute importance of the summer camp experience for our children.

We are honored to be able to provide our campers with these ‘Hineini Moments’ and thank you for partnering with us in this experience. You can enjoy this week’s PreShabbat Video by clicking here, which does a great job capturing the magic of Morasha. As I wrote earlier this week, I simply cannot remember a more inspiring week as this past one.

From our home to yours, wishing you and your family a Shabbat Shalom!

Jeremy Joszef
Director, Camp Morasha

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