For as long as we can remember, the MERCAZIA has been at the focal point of every major camp event and gathering at Camp Morasha. Hundreds of Shiria songs have been sung, productions performed, and tefillot prayed within those four walls, which houses decades of Morasha memories. For Summer 2015, we are thrilled to announce ‘The New Mercazia’ — a beautifully designed air-conditioned playhouse, Shul, recording music studio and video studio. It’s amazing.
This new facility speaks to every aspect of our camp’s mission. As a community, the New Mercazia will allow our growing camp to gather together in one place — to daven, sing, and dance. As a camp that values individual talents and skills, this new facility will introduce a wide range of new opportunities in which children can shine. Whether it’s performing on stage in a camp play, playing for our camp band, recording a song in the music studio, editing videos for our camp website, taking music lessons from one of our music pros… THIS is what camp is all about: Learning to live as a community while allowing each and every individual child to enhance his or her potential.
We’ve edited a quick preview video for this facility, which can be viewed by clicking the graphic below. We invite you — alumni, parents, and friends of Camp Morasha — to join those who have already contributed to make this dream a reality. More information on dedication opportunities for the new Mercazia can be found by clicking here.