Our second week at Camp Morasha was a great follow-up to the amazing first week. After a long and restful shabbos we went to the gym and watched the counselors from Machzor Aleph and Machzor Bet play against each other in an exciting game of basketball. With 1 second left, the Machzor Aleph team was down by three points. The game resumed after a Machzor Aleph time-out. In the end, Machzor Aleph missed a three pointer from the corner and they lost. After the game, we watched a great fireworks show in honor of the Fourth of July. On Sunday, we had an inspiring Shiva Asar B’tammuz complete with post-fast ice cream sundaes.
Yesterday we had a competitive FIFA World Cup tournament. Our team was Morocco. In the regular season, we went 3-0. In the first game Eitan Markovitz won the game for our team in a shootout! We were the third seed in the playoffs. Unfortunately, our team lost in an upset to the 14th seed (Jamaica) in the tournament. Chile ended up winning! That night, we hiked to Machane Yisrael and had a barbecue at a campfire. The rest of the night was a lot of fun . (See previous blog posts from the Older Shtili Boys for more details about our overnight.)
We are looking forward to tonight’s night activity, “Get Hypnotized.” Mostly, we can’t wait for our Six Flags trip on Thursday!
See you next time, Eitan Markovitz and Benjamin Gettenberg