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Off to a Great Start

Tuesday, 21 July, 2015

Off to a Great Start

Our week started off with one of the most anticipated days of the summer: Visiting Day! We were thrilled to welcome family and friends to our beautiful campus and allow them to experience some of the magic of Morasha.

On Monday, we kicked off a week of Lev Leytzan medical clowning workshops, Krav Maga sessions and basketball clinics with professional athlete Zack Rosen, who plays for Maccabi Ashdod in Israel. Monday night, boys campus enjoyed an exciting 3-on-3 basketball tournament with 128 teams, with Dani Roz (Alufim), Jonah Hornblass (Older Shtilim) and Elijah Mosberg (Younger Shtilim) crowned the ultimate winners. Meanwhile, girls campus had a blast at their inaugural “Camper vs. Staff” competition.

Tuesday was Israel Day, with campers dressed in blue and white and the campus adorned with Israeli flags. At breakfast, we were welcomed into Morasha’s very own Kibbutz in the dining room, featuring a live donkey, and several rabbits and chickens. Campers watched a video about “Israel’s Story” and had the opportunity to visit the “Shuk,” where they baked pita and ate watermelon, heard Israeli stories, enjoyed a petting zoo, and were challenged to find Israeli cities on a map. At night we had a special Tekes which included a video of our very own Morasha campers and staff members expressing why they love Israel, and ended off with everyone singing Hatikvah.

Tuesday was also Yom Nate, an annual sports competition with six local camps, in memory of Camp Nesher’s Nathaniel Cohen. Congratulations to our Machzor Bet Girls volleyball team, our Younger Shtilim girls basketball team, and our Ilanot/Manhigot softball team, for all winning the championship at Yom Nate!

Can’t wait to see what the rest of the week has in store!

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