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Chesed Begins at Home

Monday, 31 July, 2017

Chesed Begins at Home

Doing Chesed and learning Torah are some of our core values here at Morasha, and those values were on full display during the Nine Days. Over 700 campers and staff members participated in our “Morasha Runs for HASC” Marathon and raised $42,000 to donate to our friends at Camp HASC. Our Alufot girls ran a carnival at HASC and participated in a Habitat for Humanity project. Our popular Chesed specialty also allows our campers to help others on a regular basis; whether it’s writing letters to soldiers or decorating socks for sick children to wear in the hospital, we are constantly thinking of those in need. We were also extremely proud to celebrate with many staff members, as well as campers, who made a Siyum on their learning to allow the camp to eat meat meals almost every night. Mazel Tov!

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