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From Darkness to Light

Friday, 4 August, 2017

From Darkness to Light

Powerful. Inspiring. Unifying. Transformative. These are some of the words that come to mind when reflecting on our incredible experiences this past week at Morasha.

As Tisha B’Av began Monday night, marking the saddest day on our Jewish calendar, we participated in a somber torch procession to Boys Campus to hear Megilat Eicha. We sang together and watched the words “Yersushalayim Shel Zahav” burn into the night sky. Campers enjoyed a moving video presentation and program connecting the tragedy of Tisha B’Av to our times. The next day, we davened, recited Kinot and participated in special activities connected to the fast. May we merit to see the Beit Hamikdash rebuilt speedily in our days!

On Wednesday night, just 48 hours later, we followed that same path to the Mercazia, also carrying torches. But the contrast was remarkable. This time, we were happily waving flags and glowsticks, with upbeat music playing in the background, as we joyously sang and danced in honor of the dedication of a new Sefer Torah, part of our poignant transition from darkness to light. The Torah was generously sponsored by Bernice and Seme Joszef, parents of our director Jeremy Joszef. It was written in memory of Bernice’s mother, who heroically hid and saved many Torah scrolls in Romania during the Holocaust.

During the day, campers attended special interactive shiurim to learn hands-on about the mitzvah of Ketivat Sefer Torah, from a Sofer and our Education Staff, and many also had the privilege of writing a letter in the Torah. When the ink dried on the final letter, the entire camp danced the Torah to its new home in the Mercazia, where we enjoyed an amazing concert and beautiful kumsitz with Simcha Leiner! It was heartwarming and inspiring to see how campers and staff truly appreciated the sanctity of this unique mitzvah. They displayed incredible achdut, ruach and excitement as they shared together in the celebration and helped make the evening especially memorable, lebedik, fun and meaningful.

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