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Week Six 2022

Friday, 5 August, 2022

Week Six 2022

Dear Parents & Friends,

We like to say that, in camp, we don’t only learn about our Judaism — but we live our Judaism. Campers LEARN Torah in formal and informal ways from passionate and inspiring teachers, counselors and staff. They then have the chance to LIVE that Torah in their bunks and on the ball fields, with teachers and peers. Learning and living Torah define the natural rhythm of Morasha, every minute of every day.

This is the sixth (and perhaps top) reason why I am so passionate about summer camp. It is one of the few places in the world dedicated towards inspiring religious growth that our kids literally count down to return to. Think about that: Our children count down all year long to participate in a program that is focused on Jewish education and values. This is an incredibly unique and powerful reality — and we do not take that opportunity for granted. It’s this fact that inspires US to continue to think of ways to have a bigger and deeper educational impact each and every summer.

We hope this is the last Tisha B’av that we need to experience here in Lakewood, PA. But we also know that Tisha B’av is remembered by many of our alumni as one of the most powerful experiential moments of their camping experience. May we merit the coming of Mashiach so that next year we will celebrate the Ninth of Av together in a rebuilt Yerushalayim.

Jeremy Joszef
Director, Camp Morasha

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